SumCo Eco-Contracting
Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire Connecticut Rhode Island Low Impact Development Natural Resources Consulting Site Decommissioning Site Remediation Stormwater Management Sustainable Development Water Quality Wetlands Management Coastal Construction Dam Removal, Restoration & Construction Dam Safety Water Resource Management Dredging & Sediment Management Emerging Contaminants Bioremediation Brownfields Redevelopment Climate Change and Adaptation Construction and Demolition Emergency Response Contractors Environmental Contracting Government Contractor Engineering Transportation Solid Waste Management / Hauling Construction / Demolition Other Consulting
A site, civil and environmental construction company, SumCo Eco-Contracting (“SumCo Eco”) and its more than ninety employees are devoted to the specialized field of ecological construction. Founded in 2006, SumCo Eco (along with contracting firms that have joined the company) has been privileged to serve as construction partner on thousands of eco improvement projects across the northeastern United States, including many of the region’s most notable. Headquartered in Peabody, Mass., SumCo Eco’s Construction Team Leads and their crews reside in and construct projects across the region, operating with a level of independence to pursue and construct projects most suited to the Team’s core competencies. SumCo Eco self-performs most of its work, serving private, non-profit and public owners, and partnering with owners’ engineers, scientists, permitting, and other partners and stakeholders to produce outstanding construction project outcomes.
